My Work ๐ผ
Argon ๏ฃฟ
Argon is a Java-based downloadable software tool enabling software developers and power users to quickly and reliably utilize their Macs while leaving no trace.
- Java
- Shell

Argon2 ๏ฃฟ
Argon2 is a GO rewrite of the originial Argon. This version features much faster run times and better error/UI handling. The goal of the Argon2 project is to become the MacOS equivalent of the popular Windows tool, Ninite. Argon2 also features a junk/temporary file cleaner - and is much easier to get up and running compare to the first Argon, thanks to the Go language's Fyne framework.
- GO
- Shell

Buzz_Off ๐
A simple browser extension that replaces any text related to The university(sic) Of Georgia with various insults.
- Javascript

Calculus Cruncher ๐
An Open Source webapp built on Javascript designed for students studying mathematics.
- JavaScript

A Rust program desgined to take Fedora Linux, and turn it into a ethical hacking OS like Kali Linux.
- Rust
- Shell

Fedora Tweaks ๐ง
A shell script that makes Fedora Linux more usable out of the box.
- Shell

Newton's Method ๐จโ๐ซ
A simple math research project program written in Python, under the supervision of Dr. Christopher Raridan, built to demonsrate Newton's Method of finding roots.
- Python

Java Math Iterator ๐งฎ
A simple math research program written in Java, under the supervision of Dr. Christopher Raridan, to demonsrate the process of iterations in computer science.
- Java

Falling Into Viscosity
Presented at Clayton State University's Student Success Conference in Spring 2023, this project aimed to determine the viscosity of an unknown fluid by analyzing a video of a falling metal ball. The motion was tracked using Tracker software, and Stokes law was applied to relate the ball's velocity to the fluid's viscosity. The results demonstrated the effectiveness of combining Tracker software with Stokes law for measuring fluid viscosity, providing a low-cost and accessible method with potential applications in research and industry.
- Presented in collaboration with Joshua Chung (B.S. MechE 26' GT)
- Faculty Advisor - Dr. Tatiana Krivosheev (Ph.D. Physics)

Developing Metacognitive Skills
Presented at Clayton State University's Student Success Conference in Spring 2023, this project aimed to examine the impact of developing metacognitive planning skills on student success in online math classes. The objective was to contribute to the research on metacognition in virtual learning environments and provide insights for educators and students in developing effective metacognitive strategies for online learning.
- Presented in collaboration with Jessica Gonzalez (B.S. Biology 23' CSU)
- Faculty Advisors - Dr. Christopher Raridan (Ph.D Mathematics), Dr. Barbara Musolf (Ph.D. Biology), Dr. Ann Showalter (Ph.D Biology), Mrs. Jelinda Spotorno (Senior Lecturure of Mathematics)

ECE Discovery Project
Featured in Georgia Tech's ECE-1100 course, this assignment revolved around an independent exploration project. Over the course of a semester, I embarked on a self-selected project, subject to approval from course instructors. I utilized resources at Georgia Tech, like mini-project workshops available at the Interdisciplinary Design Commons (IDC), the Hive Maker Space, Robotarium, and other campus facilities.
- A hands-on project where I picked up engineering principles by tackling real-world issues, mastering the art of soldering.
- Faculty Advisors - Dr. Lakshmi Raju (Ph.D ECE), Dr. Jacki Rohde (Ph.D. Education)

Resume ๐จโ๐ผ
About Me ๐ค
Hi! I'm Alex! I'm a College student studying Computer Engineering at The Georgia Institute of Technology! (Go Jackets! ๐)
My threads are Cyber Security, & Systems and Architecture. My interests are in the field of Software Design, Hardware Design, Cyber Security, and Undergraduate Education.
I have participated in 3 research projects, all within the University System of Georgia. Additionally, I worked as a Law Clerk at Foster and Smith, LLC in Jonesboro, Georgia. Currently, I'm a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) at Georgia Tech. In the past, I was a member of the Clayton State Mathematics Club and a Teaching Assistant in the Mathematics Department at Clayton State University.
View My Resume